Avondale Haunted Barn
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Do not touch actors or props. If you push, hit, grab, or otherwise touch any actors or props, you will be touched by the on-site law enforcement officer as you are escorted off the premises.

No smoking, weapons, or alcohol. The entire property is smoke-free, and all weapons, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products are strictly prohibited. Guests who appear to be intoxicated will be kindly escorted off the property.

Absolutely no photos or videos inside the haunt. Taking pictures or videos inside the attraction with cell phones, cameras, or any other device is strictly prohibited. If you violate this rule, your group will immediately be escorted out of the show with no refund. The use of flashlights or any other electronic devices inside the haunt will also result in immediate expulsion from the attraction. This rule is strictly enforced. Additionally, if you drop a phone or other item inside the attraction, we will not stop the show to search for it or permit you to do so. It will not be returned until the next open night.

Inappropriate or rude behavior will not be tolerated. We seek to provide a family atmosphere for our patrons, and any guests exhibiting rude or inappropriate behavior such as foul language, vulgar comments, or insults to other patrons or staff will be escorted from the premises. Running or horseplay of any kind is also prohibited for the safety of our actors and guests. These rules for conduct are enforced inside the attraction as well – remember, the monsters are always watching.

Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. You are advised to use your best judgement when deciding whether this event is appropriate for your child. Avondale Haunted Barn is designed to be frightening, and the experience may be too intense for some children. We aim to provide the scariest show possible for our guests, and we will continue to provide the same level of intensity regardless of the presence of crying children. If a child is not old enough to walk through the attraction on their own, they are not old enough to enter, and carrying a child through the haunt is strictly prohibited.

Group sizes are limited to no more than six people. Please plan your groups accordingly, and do not attempt to argue or negotiate this rule with our employees – being rude will not make a difference. Avondale Haunted Barn is designed to be experienced by small groups of guests, and any attempt to bunch up and form larger groups will only lessen the quality of your experience.

No masks or costumes are allowed. To protect the safety of our guests, masks and costumes are only allowed for Avondale Haunted Barn employees.

Do not enter if you: have a fever or flu-like symptoms, are pregnant, or have any health conditions such as asthma or respiratory disorders, heart conditions, high blood pressure, back or neck injuries, broken bones, dizziness, or any epilepsy or seizure disorders. This attraction is a physically demanding environment, and may include rough terrain, sudden noises, fog, strobe lights, sudden motion, etc. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in serious injury or expulsion from the attraction. Additionally, Avondale Haunted Barn is private property, and the attraction is not accessible to the handicapped or persons with health and mobility limitations.

Guests enter at their own risk. By attending this event, all guests release Avondale Haunted Barn, along with the staff, owners, employees, volunteers, sponsors and agents from all responsibility from claims of harm or damages. Guests wave and hold harmless Avondale Haunted Barn, owners, staff, officers, volunteers, agents and associates from all losses, physical injury, theft, etc.